Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Making Your Statement of Purpose Stand Out

Making Your Statement of Purpose Stand Out Whereas a good college entrance essay is typically filled with personal stories and lessons gleaned from your high school years, the statement of purpose lends itself to a heavier academic focus for those applying to advanced programs for masters and doctoral degrees, faculty positions and research posts. A standard, feel-good essay about your lifes greatest challenges wont do here. To make your statement of purpose stand out, it needs to be rife with interesting research, admirable extracurricular activities and volunteerism, and compelling reasons why you (like everyone else) would be good at teaching.Taking entrance essays to a new levelThe statement of purpose may sound intimidating to some, but it shouldnt be. If youve come this far that youre ready to apply to advanced education programs, youve undoubtedly earned your keep to get here. The trick is to transform all the work youve done and reasons why you want to pursue this path further into an engaging, yet succinct, essay tha t leaves an admissions committee member saying, This person will be a real asset to our department!Writing a great statement of purpose (SOP) is quite similar to selling yourself to an employer in a terrific cover letter that will accompany your resume (which, often times, youll submit with your SOP, too). You already know your skills and assets that make you sellable; the key is to find out what the university youre applying to is interested in buying.This is where a little research can come in handy. Chances are you may already know some about the courses, disciplines or research the university youre applying to is conducting, or you may even know someone on staff or already enrolled in the program. Whatever your sources, do your research and find out what kinds of projects you might be able to work on, or what new or unique talents you can bring to the department if accepted. This could mean reading up online or in journals on the colleges recent research, talking to professors o r students you may know about whats going on there, scheduling a meeting with the dean of the department or a professor you idolize (youd be surprised how willing they are to meet with potential students if you are gracious and admiring when asking), or even chatting with the department secretary by phone for a few minutes some quiet afternoon. Think of it like answering a job ad in the Sunday paper – youre feeling out your sources for the qualifications this college needs in a candidate, and once you find them, you can talk up your skills in an impressive SOP thats sure to get you noticed.Let the selling beginSelling yourself to a university is all in the phrasing. Once youve researched their needs, you begin by looking over your body of research, schooling, outside activities, and future aspirations and match them up to what they need. And while some of this may require a fair amount of straight-out telling in your writing (i.e., listing your dissertation(s), studies involv ed in, publications youve written, labs youve worked with and other special projects), there is still room for some brief background history (such as being born in China or growing up from a line of five engineers) or personal stories that can help you emotionally connect with the reader.For instance, among the text-heavy description of the research youve worked on for the last three years, a nice, humanizing touch might be to add something like:In late May of this year, the three-year study I had at first grudgingly joined came to a close. My emotions were mixed, as I had come to truly enjoy and look forward to my work in the lab, while at the same time I had been waiting for the day we would examine our results and hope for the outcome wed hypothesized. When that day came, I couldnt have been happier to realize that my repetitive and, at times, isolating work on the project had in some way helped to further the field of research into Alzheimers disease and put us that much closer to a cure.Just as with any essay, this method of showing the reader an experience you have had throughout your work goes a tremendous way in helping them relate to you. With just three to five sentences of honest emotion about your experiences, the reader gets so much more than from only a monotonous list of your projects and qualifications.Everyone wants to teachJust as in Hollywood, where every actor wants to direct, in academia, it seems every scholar wants to teach. While its only natural that the professional student should eventually want to become a teacher, suffice it to say that the reason because I want to help people has been used a bazillion times before.Therefore, finding some more compelling, unique reasons to bring education to the masses is in order. Perhaps you feel the worlds love of biochemistry is dually lacking and you could change that with your hands-on, science-is-fun approach. Or maybe you had a particularly life-altering professor that you now aspire to imi tate for a new generation of students – then tell the university why and how you would do so in your SOP. Whatever the reason you wish to teach, be genuine but steer clear of answers that are too general or overused.When I grow up†¦And finally, dont forget to dream big when detailing your future aspirations in your SOP. Perhaps your goal is to be a professor, or maybe youd just like to conduct advanced research in highway engineering projects for the rest of your days, but dont be afraid to think outside the box to the research that hasnt even been touched on yet. Perhaps youd like to be the first to pioneer research on freeways controlled completely by computer – then dont be afraid to say so. Maybe you dream of one day heading the department youre now applying to – then tell them that (in a subtle but admirable way, not Ill have your job one day, buddy!).Whatever your field, letting a university know that youd be a positive addition to their department wh ile still stroking the schools collective ego in a respectful (not kiss-up) way, is key in making your statement of purpose stand out from the rest. Let your achievements and work speak for themselves, but be sure to match them up with exactly what the school is looking for and cant do without, and in no time youll be sitting pretty in a research lab.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

10 50th Birthday Quotes

10 50th Birthday Quotes The half-century birthday calls for a big celebration. The  50th birthday  heralds the rebirth of a relaxed person who has fulfilled many of his obligations.  Do not count lifes success by benchmarks or years; count the blessings bestowed upon you. Life looks different when it does not saddle you with the responsibilities and ambition you faced earlier. The most important time in your life is now.  When you are ready to walk into the sunset, make sure that you dont look back and wonder why you missed out on all those beautiful moments that came by. Here are the thoughts of various people on the 50th birthday and midlife in general: Joan Rivers: Famously Acerbic American Comedian, Actress, and Producer, 1933-2014 Looking 50  is great if you’re 60. George Orwell:  English Author of  1984 and Animal Farm, 1903-1950 At age 50, everyone has the face he deserves. James A. Garfield: U.S. President, 1831-1881 (Assassinated)   If wrinkles must be written upon our brows, let them not be written upon the heart. The spirit should never grow old. Richard John Needham: Canadian Newspaper Humor Columnist, 1912-1996 The seven ages of man: spills, drills, thrills, bills, ills, pills, and wills. Pablo Picasso: Spanish Painter, Sculptor, Cubism Pioneer, and Author, 1881-1973 The years between 50 and 70 are the hardest. You are always being asked to do things, and yet you are not decrepit enough to turn them down! Jack Benny: American Comedian and Actor, Perennially Age 39, 1894-1974 The old believe everything; the middle-aged suspect everything; the young know everything! Lucille Ball: American Comedian, Actress, and Early Sitcom Star, 1911-1989 Middle age is when your age starts to show around your middle! Muhammad Ali: American Boxer and Amateur Philosopher, 1942-2016 The man who views the world at  50 the same as he did at 20 has wasted 30 years of his life. George Bernard Shaw: Irish Playwright of  Pygmalion, 1856-1950 Age is strictly a case of mind over matter. If you dont mind, it doesnt matter! Don Marquis: American Humorist, Novelist, and Playwright, 1878-1937 Middle age is the time when a man is always thinking that in a week or two he will feel as good as ever.